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Everything posted by art-of-war2

  1. ok, can you help me with my GUID? dont know it myself last time some1 helped me
  2. ahh. my provider is gameservers.com
  3. can some1 help me with my GUID please maybe its not needed to reapply?? here's the official server name, changed it back. admins, u can watch my official app. so please check it out. server name: {GIS} Highway Tampa
  4. ahh i know whats wrong, had to change the name, becouse i was filmin on it, ill make another app
  5. thakns, but my fill in was good. maybe it was 2 days ago, being busy last time :wacko:
  6. hello, i filled in the forums to be streamin game admin. With server and guid, more than 2 days ago, just to check :)
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