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Everything posted by Tribal

  1. Hello PB, I am not sure if there was an update or if it is some kind of game hack virus, but a couple of my guys got banned and i am sorry, but these guys would know ow to put a hack in let alone know how to run it. Your top 50 ban list is for the same thing. Like i said i think this is a virus. I would really appreciate a review of these bans and i am not sure if this problem would show up on PB screenshots, but i haven't seen anything that is weird, and Defenders of Valor (:DoV:) is part of your cheat police group. We take cheating as serious as PBBans. We have 22 bans on our server that we caught, so :DoV: and i assume others would really appreciate a reaview of these offences. I know that youll are busy, but really i don't want to go in to my own server in fear that this error will show up on your PB list of shame and i would know how to hak if the world depended on it. Sincerely, :DoV:-Tribal-Chief MP P.S. here are the pages of my guys. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-90a47f29-vb134622.html http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-61333e7f-vb134625.html
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