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  1. Gentlemen, I thank you for your assistance. Regards, Craig
  2. Thank you for looking at it. The clan says they recently had the pbbans stream restored to their server and they are concerned that allowing me to play would jeopardize that. Is their concern unfounded, or would they be at risk if they allowed me to play there?
  3. Hi, My BF2 player name is Craig17. I applied to a clan (FUB) but they won't approve my application because someone has spoofed my name in the past. They want me to have pbbans clear it out. Based on what I have read, pbbans won't clear information and rely on server admins to properly interpret the data. Is there any way you can review my situation and comment about it? I currently reside in The Bahamas, but I lived in the US up until June of 2008. Whatever you can do to help me convince these guys that I am not the one who was banned for cheating would be appreciated. Regards, Craig
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