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Everything posted by eagle2009

  1. MaydaX please dont joke with words... "However it was working before so is this an attempt to hide your clans dirty players?" If you tipe words like that you want make a suppostion and you point out to say that in our clan can be exist dirty players but because here we are joking with words let me say you that i think that you are not a bad admin only because you posted a replay without read the messages before,you are always attention,this is why after i posted 2 links about member list you said that you were not able found,and then you supposed we covered it... Then you say about a question mark,that of course were not used by you on ironic way correct? Then is good notice the really interest message you posted to resolve the situation,without it we really didnt know what do. So what can i say Maydax,only ty for you help,with your replay we were able tipe same link for 3th time but maybe you help you i can post again the 2 links again : One is the link you selected http://www.bibclan.net/bibclan.net/forums/memberlist.php One is the same link i posted before http://www.bibclan.net/bibclan.net/forums/showteam.php If you want write another message to ask again links let me know.
  2. Fozzer,i'm only writing back at answer that SuperTaz posted. About insults i think(maybe i'm too sensible) that read what you said in public about our clan keep hakers like members and see that you decided said this wthout have any proof,see that you said we spam in your forum when we are only defending us by your accusations without proofs;this by my side is taken like an insult that dont hit me only but all my clan. Is good see how you used like motivations : 1st motivation were a your idea without proof,that dont follow terms of condition ,then without find nothing after many hours you searched a motivation to explain your decision and you found like motivation a registration of NON member. Fozzer, i want say thanks because you keep open this topic so everyone can read. Personally i think that here are all humans and like humans all can wrong. Now the difference between a good admin and a guy that is only peride is admit when one wrong. Now is quite funny see that for Fozzer,a clan that keep hakers ask at anty hack company to support thier servers.... I see something strange no? Let me reasume facts so maybe we can look better all the situation: We posted a request to have pbb servers, one admin said to post request in forum and we done that. Our application were denied with no motivations but only because Fozzer has a suspect. I remember that have a suspect is not a motivation that are reported in terms of conditions. So after some hours the only motivation were about a registration of NON member in our forum. Admin MaydaX then were too funny to say that we we cover our member list because we had dirty players when he were only not able find the link or at the end read all and select the direct link that were alredy reported. I accept the decision because is correct Fozzer make his works but what i dont accept or well i dont understand is how one good admin like Fozzer can decide without follow Terms of contition that says about the scan of MEMBERS in page of the clan and like all can read here i still dont see any names that is inside our member list that can be associate at hakers or cheaters.
  3. Hello SuperTaz, We alredy saw these 2 links times ago. I would tell this for ths 3th and last time; i said the same thing that i will tell you now at Fozzer when i wrote in the topic in this part of forum : called " need help with our application" but because here appear people are not able read i write again : We got your service of streaming time ago running in our servers but then we got too a MEMBER and ONE FOUNDER found hack so as were correct you closed the streming at our servers and stopped support our clan. NOW this founder and this member are OUT by the clan because were kiked by the clan, in our MEMBER list there are only clean players. You can look that Pinkilla is in the list AS REGISTER because like i said,everydamn haker or cheater or player or human in this world,to post a message in our forum must register. I posted in same page here : look up abount link that show our member list that will appear in YELLOW and another link the report the ban we done by clan at painkilla;this ban is alredy reported up too. About the second guy,he is no more in the can;me and Jurassic are the 2 founders like you can see by list. I hope you have all info you search. Have a nice day
  4. Hello SuperTaz and ty for the replay. I understand the fact my account MAY BE reinstate (that will depend on PBBAN judgmemt). I just would like to know the reason for denying.
  5. Ty for the support and for the time you spent to find a not exist motivation to dont allow us at services. To show how bad we are,you can see about 8 pages in our forum of hakers that we got : http://www.bibclan.net/bibclan.net/forums/...play.php?fid=19 And maybe take a look at alias of the guy ( painkilla ) you tell still be a member and look this ban... http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...amp;safeview=no http://www.bibclan.net/bibclan.net/forums/...ead.php?tid=699 Take care at all Regards
  6. Please Fozzer,tell me if you see this guy in our member list... In the first message i posted i told : WE KIKED BY CLAN A FOUNDER AND 1 MEMBER... Or you didnt saw that I posted that in the topic that you closed.... And this guy is not on member list,member list is in yellow;he is not a member Register is not member and every player banned must register in our forum if he want tipe about something like a ban appeal or everythings else. MaydaX like i show you can see the member list of the clan and we dont have dirty players on members... So please dont accuse for nothing....,i posted the same link here when Fozzer asked about that http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=97225
  7. go on the bottom right of the forum : You will see : Forum Team selecy it and you will see;if you want direct link is this http://www.bibclan.net/bibclan.net/forums/showteam.php
  8. Then to close this topic,i like invite others head admins to make a review about the work of Fozzer. Basically he denied our application without follow terms of conditions but he follow only an his idea without have any proof. In terms of conditions Pbb tells about the scan of members in the clan about hackers and in the clan there are not register guys that are hakes or cheaters. When he said " I find it hard to believe that your supposedly ex clan leader just happened to be viewing this topic at exactly the same time that you posted it. " This is not a proof and i dont see in any part of term of conditions that One admin denied application by an his suppose... He should look the clan and members in the clan. Then what happen in the forum of Pbb is away of clan. But because i think Fozzer is too pride to admint he wrong and return on his steps,i invite others staff admins and if there is a boss at consider his actions. And when Fozzer you say about this topic http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=94875&hl= that it were in a wrong place i invite you see that one admin answered us and if he post that "asap he will answer" i think that after more then 21 days you cant tell that message were in a wrong place just we got back to wait answer in that part of forum. Nothing else to write,because like i'm sure no one will take actions maybe just ban my forum account. Regards
  9. Fozzer, tell me if i wrong or not : You went in our website and forum and you didnt fund nothing wrong but because one were looking the forum post on pbbans you decided denied application correct? So clan is clear,members in the clan too but one that is not a member and dont play more look in forum and this done the denied of application? I'm just curious... Then mate like you said,there are others 2 company like Pbbans...
  10. Dont worry,this is last message that i post about this http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=97225 OK. I know I am telling the truth, do what you think is right. Congratulations for the service and for communications by PM that let you spam s... over players without no others can read and then post in public what you want and close topics without let one tell. If says the true and play fair is not what you are looking that's all. I dint know that if one that is not a members look a message must can be associate at clan but ok bro,do all you want. Take care. P.s if you need insult be pride to do that in public and not by pm.
  11. Sorry, but this guy is not a bib member, he has removed from clan.
  12. Sure : this is the link http://www.bibclan.net/bibclan.net/forums/showteam.php
  13. Hello, i'm a member of =BIB= clan;we asked more then 21 days ago about a reactivation of streaming service in our servers : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=94875&hl= Then without have answer we decided apply again like we asked the service for the 1st time and our application were denied. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...t+international The service of strem were suspended in the past because we got a founder and 1 member of the clan that were found hack and after the ban by Pbbans;you done the correct action to stop the service at our clan. We banned these guys and we cleared all the clan,so we thought we could activate again the service. I asked on irc channel what do at Duality and he says to write here. If you want i can post the chat but i'm writing here to ask what we can do now and if is possible activate again the service.
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