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Everything posted by ipoopfool

  1. 0000.o and I have norton 09, spybot snd, and I bought cod4 on steam, but the first code did not work, so they either gave me another one or typed my current one out, and I typed that in, but it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when
  2. ... dam that sucks... Also, I have norton internet security, and tons of internet savvy people say that it doesnt catch everything... Could that be the problem? ( I, for one though, trust norton enough)
  3. Well, I have been getting banned from like almost every server I go to recently, and after looking I found that my guid was banned here =( Then I saw that more than half of my aliases were ones that I have never used and that the ip's and location were totally off 0.o Was someone stealing/using my key without me knowing? And how can I get back to playing =(? Edit: Well yea, there is so much evidence and so many screen shots that when I asked for an appeal for this reason ^ that is got rejected =( If that happened already, is there still a chance I can get my ban undone here? (sorry first time here lol) PSS: ... am I not supposed to show my guid here?.....
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