I made buffnuggets turn off his private messages with just one PM!
Here it is the convo and the reply that he didnt want to read...
I really should change the first line in my response...
Thanks for your response.
We make no exception on the requirements, you got to have a clan website or a community website.
You can agree with it or not. We have learned from the past and there are a lot of clans out there with hackers inside. With websites we can check the rosters (tags and names), etc.
And if we find a clan, they have to remove them or they lose streaming, cause we have a zero tolerance policy against hackers. Coming to stream at PBBans is a free choice, you don't have to, but if you do you have meet our requirements. We don't ask for money for support, our services, etc.
All anti-cheat communities have their own requirements, you just don't agree with ours.
We are still growing everyday and are the biggest community right now.
Why is that? Cause we are good at what we do in here, catching hackers and keep clans clean.
You might be starting to clean up your clan as well, just found 3 hackers inside your clan.
Another reason you would be denied streaming here.
Good day to you.
First off thank you for taking the time to actually reply and instead of the one line response.
I 100 percent do not follow your logic in the requirement of websites. To be honest I would rather pay your organization 5 dollars a month over 10 dollars a month for a website we would never use. I also will have total control over what is on my website(ie: the choice to alter a banned players guid or leave him off all together). However, I do agree with you checking on teams and their players.
The correct way would be checking their current leagues/ladders team pages since that is what truely matters. Im not sure how you found my team and checked guid's. Now im not saying you didnt find our team page on CSL but if you didnt need a website why are we required to have one?
Please dont make empty threats that 3 of my memebrs are cheaters. List their names/guids and maybe some proof so I may deal with that issue swiftly due to the fact we are in CSL playoffs. Now that its clear im not a retard trying to get our server streaming so our players CANT play on it... Can you please consider a donation for membership or even excepting our Leagues team page as a valid third party website. I will have no control over and no possible way of altering guid's or hiding a banned player.
I am also glad to hear of your growth and would like to further your progress with our membership. I respect what you stand for and hope you will allow my team to have a cheater free server so we can have a fair chance.
Thank you again for you time