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Everything posted by warrior-x

  1. God, I wish i was good enough to say that.
  2. OK, I got Homer'd on that one, I should of looked at the calender.
  3. I clicked on my desktop PBBANS link this morning to see how many more BBC2 cheats had been banned and got a surprising message. I copied the link addy (I am not going to click on the "petition" link until I see what's up with this) and this is it. http://www.pbbans.com/
  4. he he, just being tactful.
  5. Maybe not always but it can be a ***-**. I'm sorry if I've angered the staff here, being a Chess Master myself, I was never good at arguing with Rugby Players.
  6. It seems this thread has gotten way off track. I don't believe all good players are cheats, I believe in "The Benefit of Doubt". I always streamed PB when I had servers. The SGA forums are full of funny posts, put there by PB Admins, of cheaters playing the blame game. I understand the difficullties the PB Staff faces in their ongoing fight against Cheat Coders/Users. I also believe in Acoms Razer Theory.
  7. and it continues.
  8. Nice place to visit. Share your thoughts on a subject and get flamed and belittled. Amazing.
  9. Troll much??? No I just though I'd put my thoughts in here too. If you prefer that people not add to the conversation close the thread.
  10. In the last 8 years I've come to the following conclusions. If a player is owning everyone on every map, he's cheating somehow or has some type of video advantage that other players don't have. Remember if you are not sitting right next to the player, looking at his or hers monitor, you can not say he doesn't cheat. When I had servers I was always amazed at the blatant lies that clan members would spout about how innocent they were. A clean player can go bad at any time. Where theres Smoke theres Fire. The SGA protect forum is full of caught cheaters blaming everyone they know for putting cheat software on their computer. Rule #1 about cheaters - Cheats/exploiters are liars. Rule #2 - See rule #1. Also there are programmers out there that don't share their hacks and probably will never be picked up by AC software. So before you start defending someone sit next to them and watch them play.
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