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About -JarHead-

  • Birthday 11/26/1963

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    SOF2To assist in reducing the amount of cheaters.

    Same as before only now i am into cod-5. Same as always however now into Battlefield Bad Company 2.
  • Location
    Beaufort SC

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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Congratulations on your awesome achievement. I remember the break off and start up well and i am super happy i chose to come to PBBANs from the beginning. I wouldnt run a server without PBBANs stream.
  2. If you are interested in participating in this Zombie tournament, please read the following: These are the rules in order to participate in our AGW Zombie tournament which i am kicking off this week, March 8th - March 15th. I will try and be as brief as possible. (We dont like rules man!) but if these are not followed, you will be disqualified from the tournament. Because this is a test tournament for us, to get a feel for what kind of participation we get, i wont be giving away any prizes. This will just be for bragging rights. Maybe in the future, we will have prizes for the team reaching the highest level. 1. You must have a 4 man team. You can participate in multiple teams however, no 3 or 2 man teams will be accepted. 2. I will select a map each week for the tournament. Your submitted pic must be from that map. 3. Your screen cap must be a clear pic. I have to be able to clearly see each team members name, their scores and the level you made it to. 4. All submitted screen caps must be in prior to the deadline established. 5. There is no limit to the number of screen caps you can submit from your team for each tournament, up until the deadline. If someone posts a screen cap where they beat your latest level, you can get your team back together and play to beat that one and post a screen cap as proof. 6. Only people who are registered in the forums are ellidgeable to submit a photo. To register your team, please go to http://www.cod4modern-warfare.com/forums That is all for now however, I may add some additional rules as this goes on.
  3. Dont take this wrong because i am all about anti-cheat. I dont even go to any other servers but mine because i know there wont be anything fishy going on there. I have been PC gaming for quite a long time. I am now into cod-5 and run 2 servers, stream to pbbans of course. I joined pbbans back when it dispanded off from punksbusted, in 2003. I dont understand a lot about cheats, aimbots & wallhacks as far as how they work or the files that are manipulated. With that being said, i am seriously wondering if we are indeed winning this battle against the gamers who insist on cheating. My concerns are this with cod-5. Why do the PB screen shots all come back (98%) with unknown soldier instead of the players name? Why does it seem all Vista users screen shots come back as a black screen? I have had over 10,000 different players on my servers yet have only busted 3 players via pbbans streaming. I know this isnt a accurate percentage of the # of cheaters i have had on my server. I would estimate the ratio of cheaters would be at least 1 out of every 100 but that is being very modest. How is it i can watch aimbotters come and play round after round in my server without being busted? How is it possible for a obvious cheater to have every one of his screen caps come back clean? I am talking obvious botters, not a good player. I am not a tech guy and like i said, i have no idea how all of this works, from cvar checks to md5tool scans. It must be harder then i can imagine to actualy bust a cheater because i would have expected to catch a heck of a lot more then what i have. Is it all working or do the cheaters have the upper hand?
  4. Anyone know why all of my PB screen caps dont have the players name in the text? They all say unknown soldier. Have i got a setting wrong?
  5. Server has room for 22 players
  6. Kicking off September with my first ACE mod tournament on Sept 7th at 12:00 est. The cash prize will be for $50.00 and it will be paid to the overall winner in a 30 minute FFA match. I will start directly at 12:00 because i dont want to miss any NFL games at 1:00 You must download MOD and map prior to the start of the tournament otherwise you will get a late start. Go to server prior to start and it will download it for you quickly. Make sure you have your cod-4 settings adjusted to allow for downloads. COD-4 tournament prize $50.00 Sept 7th at 12:00pm est Mod is ACE 1.9 mod Map will be Shipment2 30 minute FFA server IP server name is -=AGW=-www.cod-5.com http://www.cod4modern-warfare.com/forums/i...php?topic=150.0 If needed my xfire name is jarhd1775 Open tournament for everyone and anyone, as long as your not on the PBBANS banlist. Good luck
  7. See website forums for more info. No entry fee no registration and no gimmacks. FFA old school with perks. 30 minutes no scorelimit. Winner gets $50.00 all else get nothing. Forums http://www.cod4modern-warfare.com/forums/index.php
  8. I got it Yo. Was easy once I was in the right area. Thanks for your assistance. I am now streaming once again!
  9. My server was streaming. I simply had a new IP addy assigned. Are you telling me i need to re-configure my server in order to have it stream when all that happened was a ip address change?
  10. Hey guys. I had a new IP address issued to my server which i updated in my server control panel. It says i am not streaming now. Can someone take a look and let me know what i need to do? I didnt know where to put this because all of my viewing rights were taken when server stopped streaming. Thanks.
  11. Good scoop for client side people having issues since patch. I have several members of my clan who are being kicked or experiencing a severe drop in fps since this so called patch. Is there anything we need to do server side concerning this issue?
  12. 1st place 50.00 2nd place 25.00 map: Broadcast Damage: Old School July 4th @ 4:00pm est open slots = 22 to register or get more info: http://www.cod4modern-warfare.com/forums/index.php
  13. Tournament went well. You can go here to see the pics from match. We will be hosting another match next week. Check in forums for more info. [url="http://www.cod4modern-warfare.com/forums
  14. Goes today. You must have latest patch, ver 1.7 to be able to get on to server.
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