hey guys, I run a Server provider in Australia, I host 2 public servers for the public to have fun on in Australia and maybe in the future run about 3 more servers. Arctic-Servers is my company name. I are also a member of |SGG| clan (thesocialgamersgroup.com). Because a couple members in my clan were busted for hacking , I can not stream to Pbban.com.
I run these servers for the public to have fun on , and wish not to be invaded by hackers. Im streaming to Punkbusted.com, But I would like the FULL anti-cheat system and stream to Pbbans.com.
SO I ask you , why do they decline my appilcation for streaming. All i want is the Public to come on to my servers and have fun, with a bit of anti-hack steaming .
So can I ask to the admin of PBbans, why is it so hard.
Thanks for your time