Hey folks,
I have a clan founder who is ABSOLUTELY SET on banning a friend of mine because he "hacks" in BFBC2. I am a server admin/moderator and I have known my friend for 4 years. Never has he hacked and/or cheated. He is a very good player that enjoys good servers filled with good people to play in. He is also a very intense gamer. But my clan founder, who shall remained un-named, is VERY persistent on banning my friend because he is "too good to NOT hack"
I'm sorry but I have to call BS. My clan founder himself has been accused of hacking MANY times and has had MANY accusations made on him through PB, all of which have denied because he does not hack. But my friend is better than him, and I think my clan founder thinks that's impossible. My founder states that once PB is up and running in BFBC2, he will GET proof of him hacking. Now, here's what scares me, my clan founder is very hateful towards hackers, so am I. He has submitted hundreds, if not thousands of videos that have been confirmed. How many have been denied I do not know. But what I do know, is that my founder was bragging that since he has caught SO MANY hackers/cheaters, that PB once sent him an email saying they trust his judgement in the matter and ban without looking at the video at all!!!!!
My founder also states that my friend has hundreds of hacks/cheats/and exploits affiliated with his name! I've gotten the GUID of my friend, and all of the past names he has EVER used, and ran them through the Ban databases. All of which have come back negative. I've included all of his names, his GUID which he has used for the past 5 years, his IP, and clan tags and none of them return ANYTHING! I then took screenshots of my inquiries and results. I have told my founder I have proof but he still is certain that my friend hacks.
I am afraid that he will submit a video with "proof" of my friend "hacking" and that it'll go through, and then he'll have to buy a new key because my founder made a massive error in judgement.
Is there another way I can prove my friend DOES NOT hack? I've provided the evidence necessary to say otherwise to my clan founder, but again, he's set on banning him. Just because.