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- Birthday 01/01/1964
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Battlefield 2
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A smear campaign, lol. Naa, that would suggest childishness on my behalf. Been doing this to long for that silliness, it would lower my standards. Not 15 minutes after after my request here, another anon post. C'mon guys, is it so hard to just let this go?
I will not respond here to the comments I've made on my site, in my own forums. Doing so only opens the door to validating your members actions. I'm merely asking you to have your member to leave well enough alone. I've not posted my opinions here, your members have. You may want to discuss this with them as well. As it is, I have moved on to better things and thus far have chosen not to bump back. Can you have your members do so as well?
Gentleman and Ladies, I have accepted your refusal to run the streaming for our server and have not tendered my opinion here in your forums or anywhere on your website, it's simply an issue of respect. It's always an acceptable gesture, regardless of any ill intentions befallen to seperate communities to, well, just leave well enough alone. I am asking the your members refrain from their childish antics and gestures of providing thier insights regarding this failed union, on my website. What they may say or do on your website or forums is your business. As for my rants and behaviors, they will remian on my site and amongst those of which I choose to discuss this issue with and certainly not here in your forums or on your website. I'm just asking in advance to please show the same respect I am offering you. In return I will offer your organization the same. The rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance. - W. Shakespeare FURION
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Lone, I'm truly indifferent regarding this streaming stuff. It is to fulfill the AiX obligation. I wont use the added products offered by PBBans. Some believe computer programs are the best way to find and identify hackers. I just happen to believe differently as previously stated. Cheaters don't bother me, I just Ban them from our server =) -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
I just spoke with FURION SARCASM aka FURION RAGE and have ascertained that the FURION RAGE1 is not of our clan. - Our Rage is from Oakland California and the listed person is in England. - Additionally, there is indeed a FURION clan in England as well. - His actual BF2 name is: -=SeargentSarcasm=- - His BF2S stats page: http://bf2s.com/player/69189305/ On the same token, we are not finished with this investigation. If you can suggest areas to look to validate the truth, I'd greatly appreciate it. He remains suspended and understands why. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Keegles and Tm23 have not been seen is ages and members are taken off our member list after 6 months. As far as Rage is concerned, I need to look indepth into this and make sure this is our Rage. I know you are busy, but can you link me what you found on him. I wasn't aware of his being on the PB list and why. The list is up and on the front page near the top, under the header. I removed Rage as he is indeed suspended pending this investigation. The would explain why we've not seen him in the last couple months. He above all, knows our rules as he has been a member for about 4 years. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
K, SGA = streaming game admin... I don't need anything like that, I just need to do the streaming thing. I'll just add the member names in the html doc. I'll let you know when it's complete. It'll be on the front page. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Uhm, what is an SGA status? -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Elseedee, you're two days late from the S.A. comments, try moving forward along with everyone else. On the same token my admins would have looked more indepthly and inquired for more information... tit for tat. Either way, what occured is irrelevent at this point, we've moved well passed that issue. SuperTaz, unfortunattely, I'm not in the position to purchase either of the IPB or VB programs. I have an interest in them as a business manner. I'm on the xtrato.com dev team. Both programs have a lot to offer and are excellent programs, However, I only work on the php nuke side for xtrato. Primarily I do CMS Installations, blocks, modules, coding, updating, minor graphics work and the such are my specialities. Currently I am working on updating all the tpl files for the Xtrato themes. I'll eventually finish the .tpls and move recoding his themes to work with Evo Xtreme (both versions). Have you considered placing a light glint on the circular oval part of oyour logo, in the header? It would really make the logo stand out. It's easy to do... But all this is another topic. Anyways, I'm working on an html document and am trying to curtail it to meet your preferences. What I have so far is just a page with links to each players name and bf2s stats. Will this suffice? I was looking into the bf2cc and saw where our members have GUID numbers listed. Copy and paste didn't work, any ideas? And how many do you want on the list as a minimum? I'm asking for specifics because I do not like to continually redo my work, that drives me bonkers. It's the prefectionists in me, some form of OCD I guess. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
No, I'm not really sure what it is I'm seeking here out side of something streaming. When we picked up our AIX server our members wanted the server to be Ranked, in that I was refered to the AiX statistics site. From the AIX site, I was sent here to apply for "something Streaming" and once that was confirmed, then we would have our server moved to Ranked. You site was refered to me as PunkBuster Bans when I asked around trying to figure out why this was a necessity I really got no where. It was your abbreviated name and information I gathered is how I associated your site-program with the ever useless PunkBuster program, it was by name association. My sole reason for being here is to fullfill a requirement by AiX, this is merely a stepping stone for an end goal. My goal is to obtain PBStreaming, your goal is to become more of a entity in hack prevention in the gaming community. This is just how it works. One thing that is an issue, I'm not really sure you understand the potential issues you may be asking people to do when using an open source cms like Nuke, Evo, Platinum, RavenNuke, etc. by forcing them to have an open "public" forum string. Possibly having a universal name and password for your admin may be a consideration in the future. I say this simply because as active and dilligent as we are on our servers, the amount of people we have banned is enormous. We ban not just for hacking, but lame play, glitching, macros, bad language, not following the rules, racially inclined names, racism, explicit names, harassment, sexual harassment, name calling, and more... Basically, if a player comes into our server acting like a smacktard, they get banned. Up to this previous year, I did permitt the use of photo-galleries, public forums, affiliates and the such but recent attacks on my website have caused me to lock it down. I'm relying on ddos protection, nuke sentinel, ip tracing utilities and my webhost to prevent hackers from taking my site down again and so far it appears to be working. I don't have anon posts in my forums strings for porn or insurance or search utilities and I haven't logged on to the infamous black screen of "You have been hacked by..... I'm sure citing thousands of sites that have never had an issue with hackers is easy, I would rebutt that comment with, "They just haven't P*ssed off the right person yet" or have purchased programs which basically are always dilligently evolving to security patches and fixes. IPB like VB is a nice little program. How much it cost you? It appears to have been extremely modded. Did you all do the coding, or have it done for you? -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Other? AiX stuff refered us directly to here. I'll be working on the html to day some time. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
I'm not sure why having one of your guys register is such an issue? Why is this to much to ask? Anyone who's been around nuke understands opening the door to anything public regarding an open source code is asking for trouble. It's called "Open Source" for a reason. There is no real security in Open Source. I might as well scream, "Here's my db, inject here!" So, it'll have to be in html format, I didn't think of that. That's easy enough. A module for nuke evo... that's funny. Additionally, the link I posted above goes directly to our members module. Registration would show you a complete list of members on the website... everyone is in there for viewing. And yes you are right, earlier I was not versed in the difference between your website, PBBans and EvenBalance and have since educated myself regarding the two and the differences between them. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Unfortunately leaving our website or a roster persey open would not be an available option. That would leave our website completely vulnerable to any and all script kiddies and hackers that are out there, I just cannot do that. It only takes but just a few moments on the website to register and login and look at anything and everything that we have to offer as a clan/whole. All I am asking of you/rs is to do the same thing that you ask of us. Farily speaking, I had to register and find my way around in here to get to this point. Any feelings that went out to you and your people that were other than appropriate on my part, I will appologize for and hope to get this resolved and move on with it as soon as I possibly can. And I would have to agree with you, PB is only here for one reason and that is solely to make the gameplay on open/public servers more fair and uncompromised as possible for us all. That is appreciated in all gaming and aspects of such. I thank you for your time and hope that we can move on with getting our server PBStreamed as soon as possible. FURION @www.furion-gaming.com P.S.... ozzon nor knightsoffurion are neither any longer affiliated with our group/clan and I appreciate you removing such from there in here. I never even heard of knightsoffurion or whatever it was, again, thanks a bunch. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
I'm not going to continue a debate on personal views, we can competently police our own servers without PB help. Unfortunalty, the AIX modders have PBStreaming in their protocal for us to have a ranked server, thus we must comply. As AiX grows more popular, I'm sure you will have more like me entering here seeking to fulfill this obligation only, nothing more. It may then behoove your organization to either accept that some dislike being forced to use your program on servers they pay for, or ask the AIX Mod Team to alleviate your pains by removing this protocol from thier process. I have a saying, "It's not just knowing how to play the game, it's also knowing how the game is played." and this is how we decide who stays or goes on our servers. When we locate hackers, it is discussed amongst our admins and then the person is dealt with. I added the code to the server per the guide and our roster is located here: FURION ROSTER You will have to register to gain access. If there is more information required I can rewrite the code and add additional information or rewrite a block with the info you need... no problem. It's not that I am against what PB stands for, I just dont want your program on my servers doing what I expect out of my admins. I trust their judgement over your program and most certainly over the opinions of the thousands who send you e-mails daily. It is unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances, otherwise I'm sure we would agree on policies and procedures for dealing with hack users and script kiddies. -
FURION replied to FURION's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
What does someone being a registered member of my website have to do with my applying for verification for your pb streaming product on my gaming server? Instead of rejecting the app over someone listed on my website, you should have looked at the server and or placed a few questions in the forums. Simply rejecting the app was not the correct way to handle this. It's not my choice to use your product as I find it intruisive and is prone to adding lag to game servers. My preference is to simply BAN the hackers, permanently. I don't need 3rd party help for that. But, alas, it is not my decision and I am bound to follow the rules of the AiX developers and they want PB streaming on the server. They get what they want and we, well, we are left placing the peices together to satisfy our own people. We should do this dilligently not in some half fashion. Ozzon has not been on our site in over a year and the Knightsoffurion is an unknown entity to me.