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    Pinpoint Accuracy
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  1. you can lock this thread.
  2. then i will not stream. cause he is not a cheater. again thank you for letting me whine on your forums in defence of a member of clan (whine lol so childish) strike
  3. if you could please give me a link on how to contact evenbalance. i looked on the site and couldn't find one . i will discussed this further with them.
  4. hhhmm. this is not whining. this is my right as a clan leader to voice my concerns when a member of my clan is wrongly accused.you all have this very narrow line of site of what hacking is.now if he was using an aimbot or he was wall hacking or whatever other kinds of hacks there are out there. i wouldn't even be writing any of this.you mean to tell me cause he didn;t know that he should backup a file he should be punished cause all the work that he did just to get to level 55? i mean i could understand if he just wanted to cheat. but please tell me where the cheating is so i may know, and make it valid don;t just say he cheated tell how he cheated and why it's concidered a cheat. thank you, Strike =|PA|= Clan Leader
  5. this in no way gives him any tactical advantage at all
  6. i guess you didn't read what i said. i was talking with him when this happened.i know what he was doing and it's not hacking. it;'s the same as if he did what he should have done in the first place and saved his mp_data file. it is not a valid ban and i am not allowing cheaters in my clan!cheating would be aimbot or wall hacks and he wasn't doing that. i guess you should ban me also? i didn;t hack but i was talking to him when he got banned.
  7. this moderator or admin locked a topic without even giving me a chance to reply. if your going to accuse someone you let them defend themselves. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...p=0entry0 who is this third party that nuclear would need to talk to about this ban then? you can call him what you like. but the fact is all he wanted was what he already had.it doesn't give him any advantage over what he already had, and that what a hack does. he cannot see through walls or auto aim at anyone.or whatever these hacks can do.he stil only has his skill to get him through. so like i said you can call him what you want but a hacker he isn't. and i do not appraciate you closing the thread without giving me a chance to reply back it's very unprofessional. i am not a child here i am 40 years old and do not like bei'ng treated as a child. FOR THE RECORD. i do not allow hackers in my clan!!! PERIOD. i have known nuclear now for atleast 2 years and was talking with him at the time he got banned from the atf server only cause he wanted his level 55 back. how can you call him a cheat when he already had level 55? it didn;t give him any extra abilities. if this is how pbbans works through i;m happy i live in a country that actually give the accused a chance to defend themselves. strike =|PA|= CLAN LEADER.
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