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Everything posted by sadu

  1. pbsv.cfg (if not there, make a new file and copa & paste.) pbsvuser.cfg (for filechecks, if not there, make a new file....)
  2. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/jo...tr-ad/index.htm later on I will post some examples.
  3. http://www.alk-squad.de/~39u/pbscreen.png damn sorry for my stupidness
  4. :D :D forgot the screen :D
  5. found this on a forum, my question is, is it a faked one ? cause there is a mousepointer in there, how is it coming there ? And if the player would have used the hack shown, he would be kicked for d3d9.dll via MD5check ? Or am I completly wrong ? Please explain me, I'm pretty new to screenshot viewing. THX
  6. Friday 10.22.2004 [5:30PM] Due to a glitch on one of the PB Master Servers for JOTR, some PB Servers kicked players yesterday and today for violations in the #130xxx range when the players were not actually running a hack program. Admins should ignore these violations for these two days.
  7. just found this, they baned already sum players for JO http://www.dfseals.net/pb_bans/
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