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Everything posted by cryogenic

  1. o.O. I don't get it tbh, sorry. Anyway is there anyway i can stream it myself and get the authorization for the GSA, etc. Thank you.
  2. Hi, sorry to post a different topic in the same post but my brother has been banned from the website?. He said he streamed the server but was waiting for reply on it, We both have rcon, anyway to solve this?
  3. I'm sorry, i don't understand o.O my brother said he'd applied the Streaming as soon as the server was up and running. :|
  4. Here it is, Sir :)
  5. Hi, yeah lol. We're only streaming one server at the minute it's called ''BIG MAPS [No Tanks]. and for the I.D Number i'm not quite on the same line, sorry if you can explain :).
  6. Hey guys, just needed to ask a couple of things if that isn't a problem. First off my bro and I have been streaming a couple of servers for a few years now. We have just got a new server, and it's streaming to PBBans, it's currently 20 slots, soon to be upgraded to 64 slots. I wondered how do people manage to get the right tools, e.g to check players guids, 64 slots is a kind of crysis :P so it would be abit of an advantage, seeing as we have streamed for a long time. It's no rush, I appreciate the help. Thank you.
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