Hi there,
today I got banned from a BF2 server. I asked the admin why this happende and he said my name would be on record on pbbans.com for cheating... couldn't possibly be I thought so I checked it
I checked the pb list on punksbusted.com, no entry.
I checked the list on pbbans.com with my GUID no entry...
Then I looked for my username and yes, I found an entry.
Stormy01 is indeed on record for cheating but with the wrong GUID
So, what can we do about it? I have no issues if I want to JOIN a server because it's not my GUID that was banned but if somebody checks on my name he'll say I'm a cheater
Ok, you clearly state that the alias search should not be used to identify cheaters but some admins use it nevertheless. Personally I think it came in handy as a reason to ban me... they didnt want to search for my GUID 'cos they already found my name. You cant imagine the wave of insults I received in their forum for being so bolt to actually want to talk to them about the issue.
All I can say for my defense is: I have only one account, only one original BF2 meaning only one CD-Key and therefore only one GUID.
Long story short: what can I do about it? I mean what can I do about my name being on the Master Player Index?
[NBH] Stormy01