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    Call of Duty World at War
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  1. I feel your pain, same thing happened to me. Did a reformat, my comp seems faster, so I had something buried in there. I'd recommend you do the same, if your anti-virus doesn't detect anything.
  2. RW, not a crack on you guys at all, just frustrated. It is what it is, I know. Nothing can be done, I'm over it. +1 on the reformat...everything seems faster now. It's a shame MW2 won't have you guys. As of now anyway, they'll hopefully realize...
  3. eb message: The supplied GUID has been associated with hacking or interfering with the normal operation of our PunkBuster software and has therefore been compromised resulting in a global ban from PunkBuster enabled game servers. We have no way of knowing who was actually playing with this GUID at the time the violation was triggered. We also have no way to know if the violation was triggered on your specific computer. Our system does not collect personal information and furthermore we have no way to attach a cheat/hack violation to a specific person. This ban will not be lifted as then the person who did trigger the violation would again be able to join PunkBuster Servers using this GUID. To be clear: we are not saying that you cheated as we have no way to know who triggered the violation. If it is certain that no one playing on your computer ever had a cheat/hack violation triggered by PunkBuster, then your GUID (cdkey and/or game account password) has been stolen by or leaked to someone who has used it on a different computer to trigger the violation. We do not have the means to help you find out who is responsible for compromising your GUID. heavy, heavy sigh. this is the crap that makes me want to be a console noob.
  4. done. submitted a ticket to evenbalance. they wanted to know my exact kick message when i tried to go into a pb server. maybe i'll get somewhere.
  5. filed a ticket with eb, since it doesn't show up here. did a scan and when it got to my MW folder it just sat there. Deleted the folder, rescanned, and it went through with nothing detected, so whatever it was was in my game folder. WaW still works, so that'll do until MW2, unless EB lifts it.
  6. well, never mind. i was able to go back in, left, just now tried to go back, guid is globally banned. just effing awesome. wtf.
  7. lol....ok, that makes sense.
  8. omg i am a noob that has to cheat to win...sure it wasn't someone just spamming? doesn't sound what you'd call your site to get customers... :blink:
  9. in battlefield, the best way would be pbss', correct? that's how you see those guys getting caught alot.
  10. I re-verified my key and restarted...didn't work right away but it works now. weird. thanks for the help, guys.
  11. no....hadn't played for a few hours...tried to go in, it say another program was using iw3.mp, tried again like 10 minutes later...got that key code in use message. scanned my computer, it came up with no trojans or anything.
  12. think mine was stolen, just tried cod4 and it says it's in use. heavy sigh.... any other reasons it would say it is in use?
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