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Everything posted by MULIGAN

  1. I know, thats why im asking for him, because he work on Evenbalance
  2. Where is now PBStaff_Nick ?? Two months to resolve one simple thing... How many developers work on pb, one ? I want one indemnization
  3. Plz, tell me what information they need. Since im not an expert on IT, understand that. Remember : we are players. I can provide my pc 6 hours all days via teamviewer.
  4. Format the pc for an get new key for an error of the developers? We are players, not IT persons who need solve the problem of Punkbuster, we want play one game, not waste time and money for resolve the problems of others. Here, Pb need make an clear statements about this false positive, they need prove we hack. Maybe they are working hard... Dice know about this problem. U know, in this time, its hard get a new job.
  5. Very professional What u think about twitch live my PC and u on team viewer or equivalent software to check my PC and viodecast in real time One false positive in real time?? ( other accounts off course)
  6. I see my pb log files on my pc, 23/10 kiked 2 min game hack 81570 24/10 kiked 2 min game hack 81570 28/10 kiked 2 min game hack 81570 With that data,I can see the driver, software or other things keep on my memory ram
  7. Well... U see my previus post? I want information about my ban And if u can see, i never writes about private cheats. U think if I wanted test one cheat i will use my premium account? I have this account and my brother have another( other PC, never get banned by this 81570)
  8. I want information of Pbstaff
  9. Hi Can u check check my ban? Since i never used third party software to take advantage. I tried 5 days ago to get in server and I keep getting banned, so the proccess, driver or software keep running on my machine I can give u my list proccess and software if u want Thx
  10. delete
  11. I made some research about this nice GAMEHACK 81570 Data from ggc-stream.net First ban gamehack : 29/9/14 data collected from 29/9/14 - 3/11/14 -------------------------------------------- total bans :4688 total bans gamehack 81570: 906 GAMEHACK 1095 AIMBOT 1610 MULTIHACK 1152 Screenshot 282 PBHACK 162 md5 tool 132 others 255 --------------------------------------------- pbbans+ ggc= 1600 bans ( approximate) TOTAL PLAYERS BANNED: 1600 (GAMEHACK) 81570 Nice work pb....... Yes?? Why u think Dice implement fairplay on bf 4?
  12. Thx for the info.
  13. Hi I get that message after i join a server and i cant play( i dont use any cheat ) nick ilu7ion_MULIG4N Thx in advance
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