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Everything posted by pot

  1. Thanks for that, Ive downloaded filezilla and will try uploading the file
  2. Thanks for the above, I think I will bin the bot idea. "When players join the server there names don't appear on the screen is there a line that needs to be added to the cfg files to enable this" Normally when Im playing on a server, and a new player joins his name is displayed in the bottom left of the screen ie "pot has joined the game", but Ive noticed this doesn't happen on my server and I have to press tab to see if new players have joined the game. I don't know if there is a line in the cfg file that displays new players when they join.
  3. Is there a trigger I can set to warn or kick players who repeatedly type in fowl and abusive language whilst playing? When players join the server there names don't appear on the screen is there a line that needs to be added to the cfg files to enable this, also Ive read on the internet that bots can be used on COD4 servers, My clan wants to train together on the same side and I was thinking of using bots to play against are these a good thing / bad thing, legal / illegal, any good for training (I used to play Counter Strike and I know bots were used) Many Thanks
  4. No the server is from E-Frag, Ive checked the ftp on that and the files in pb folder are all .so files
  5. Brilliant, many thanks for that. Now for the noob question, which folder do I put it in. I have my activision folder on H drive, does it make any difference that it's not C drive?, I also have 2 COD4 folders, ver 1.6 and 1.7, (allowing me to play on both multiplayer versions), although my E-Frag server is ver 1.7. I have checked my E-Frag ftp and it doesn't, resemble either versions folders. Last noob question how do I upload your pbsv.cfg file to the ftp. Sorry for the noob questions and thanks for the help
  6. Thanks for the info. Ive checked the folder on my PC and I can't find the pbsv.cfg or pbsvuser.cfg files. On the ftp server the files are labelled .so, (pbag.so, pbags.so, pbcl.so, pbcls.so, pbsecsv.htm and pbsv.so). Is there anyway to download generic / latest files I need from punkbuster (with the line included) and if so what folder would I put them in. For the time being I have had to disable punkbuster on the server (not ideal) to stop it from kicking players. Again your help would be appriciated.Thanks
  7. Hello, I have recently started a COD4 server for my clan to play on and Im still a bit of a noob. When we first started to use the server we were all kicked with the following warning "Cvar cl_maxpackets [=30] must EQUAL TO 100". After rooting around on the internet, I found the answer to this problem, tilde/shift button on game main screen, typed in "cl_maxpackets 100" That worked for me and others in my clan, but whenever other players join the server they get the same warning and kicked from the server after a couple of minutes. Again after rooting around on the internet the problem appears to be with punkbuster. What do I need to do to resolve this problem?, after checking it appears the easiest solution is to insert the line "pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 30 100"?. If that is the solution where do I insert the line into, as I can't find pb.cfg file, or do I type it into the console box within the game?, can I add it via CoD Rcon? which I admin the server with. Ive changed the setting on my pc back to 30 and played on other server, without issue. Im totally lost and getting frustrated as I have lost 50 players with this problem. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
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