Ok heres the storry,
i bought CoD4 from my local shop in estonia, played it like a month and then got tired/bored for like 9- 10 months later wich was like 20. september 2009 i started playing again, a so called Clan war.
and i was amazed to be baned... told my friends lets get another war coz im baned, we got another and wow again baned.
then i went to pbbans home page and entered my guid wich is mine since i started playing and registred at clanbase.com. I entered my guid to guid check and like wow again... som1 played with my cd-key prolly and in february and in german???
and i got baned for that???
and thats even not my fault since i was not playing at that time then he must got that cd key from ur database or somthing.
Ban Details Date Added Feb 05, 2009 at 1:29:47 pm Game Call of Duty 4 GUID d0c162c43376359e41620907a5ffd5ea User IP Alias VXR| xXx Violation VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) 9002 Violation Info MD5Tool Mismatch: PBSS.dll (len=2048)
So i hope u fix it or explain or just do somthing about ur mistakes, im not gona buy new cod4 coz ur system is to weak!
i have orginal cd-case and key ill up som pictures if needed for admins/modes.
But im not gona stop b4 u PBbans have fixed it for me.