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About JalapenoOfDoom

  • Birthday 01/04/1973

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Photoshop, gaming, movies, and TV Shows...

    Photographing is also fun for me...
  • Location
    Midwest USA

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    Army of Destruction
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. If a pizza has a radius 'z' and a depth 'a', that pizza's volume can be defined by Pi*z*z*a

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  2. If a pizza has a radius 'z' and a depth 'a', that pizza's volume can be defined by Pi*z*z*a

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  3. Hello, Just to note, I am hearing alot of people getting kicked before connecting to any PB enabled BF2 server by which means "Your connection has been lost" error. This is happening before the map loads. It seems this is happening since the most recent or a recent PB update. The solution, just double click the server again and you should be able to connect. Also, this has NOTHING to do with PBBANS at all. Please go to Even Balance www.punkbuster.com and fill out a support ticket. They will reply, may take a day or two, but they will reply with specific information that they need from you from your PB logs. I just wanted to put a post here because nothing has been mentioned about it. Just trying to be curteous. Mods, if this is the wrong place to post this concerning PB and BF2, please move it, thanks. Jalapeno
  4. We recently wiped out server from Windows 2003 and installed Windows 2008 R2 Currently using FireDaemon to launch our games as we always have. Something I noticed, we were not streaming. So I set the services to launch under the Administrator, now we see that we are streaming. However the problem remains. We are using the PBSV config file that you would find in the Master Config Index. Punkbuster is installed, services check out ok. #1 Svlogs are not being created #2 PBBANS.DAT file is not being updated - My last update was on October 25, 2011 when I shut the server down to upgrade to 2008. #3 Scrolling messages via the PBSV.CFG file are not being executed. So has anyone had any problems with Windows 2008 and punkbuster? It is not Fire Daemon - I created a BF2 server icon on the desktop and ran that and still not able to do those 3 things mentioned above. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
  5. Hello, I'm looking for the Freeze Tag map that you play either in FFA or TDM that is set in a house where you spawn in the kitchen I think and then you can go into the front room. There is holes in the wall, tunnels and elevators and ships you can fly in. It's a fairly large map where you are a tiny person, like a mouse size. It's not Rat House, but it's somthing similiar. What is the name of that map? Could you also post me a link to it? Thanks!
  6. I have never been successful to run and stay connected on the same PC with two or more PB games running at the same time. One of them or more will kick you off the server due to a PB handshake or losing packets error. I would like to run more than one PB supported game on the same PC - my pc could handle it, it would be great to use that opportunity to idle our clan's servers from one PC. Be as it may, PB was probably not desiged to be ran with 2 or more games for I'm sure good reasons. Are you planning on playing PR(Project Reality) on BF2 through your steam account? You might have to go to www.realitymod.com and check out the forums - I think there is a post on how to work around Steam to get PR installed on BF2 since BF2 will NOT be in the same directory as the Retail store bought version is.
  7. I don't remember the fix, I found it once and can never find it again. When I load BF2, join a server and the map loads, I can play it for like 30 seconds to a minute and whaam! My entire PC locks up completely. I have all the latest windows updates. Latest ATI drivers. PB is updated. Happens with PR and BF2. PR is the latest version. My specs are: AMD Phenom II X4 965 at 3.4Ghz 6GB of dual channel ram at 1600Hz Crossfire X enabled on 2 ATI 5770's ATI Drivers version 10.11(Even used 10.9 and 10.10, same thing happens) Nothing is overclocked, all set to auto 2 320 GB HDD set to Raid 0 Windows 7 AMD Fusion set to Gaming mode Processor Temp never goes above 52 or 53 degrees Celcius, mostly stays well below 50 I have NO problems with BC2, BOD Black Ops and Call of Duty 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV. GTA4 is maxed out on the settings. And I know BF2 works on High Settings, But because I deleted the game and reinstalled it, I have this problem back now. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hello, I have an unusual problem that is similiar to what I've seen in the forums. Please help me with this... When I load Dragon Valley or Daqing Oilfields, the maps load to 14% and then crash to desktop. This is all in multiplayer, I haven't tried Single Player mode yet. However, I can load other maps, like Karkand, Blue Pearl, and Wake Island and play those just fine to a point. But after a round or two or three of those maps, I then crash to desktop also. Not all maps crash while loading, only found 2 so far, but have NOT tested all of them. Operation Road Rage loads fine and quickly. My setup: AMD Phenom II X4 965 ~3.4Ghz on auto mode 6gb DDR3 Dual Channel Ram ATI HD5770 - latest drivers Windows 7 64 bit running Direct X 11 according to dxdiag UAC is off Resolution in BF2 and Windows is both at 60hz no matter what the pixel res is. Sound - Hardware and Software modes have both been tried X-fi is not on Sound is on-board Realtek with latest drivers I also have Sound Blaster X-Fi Go! plugged in with latest Win 7 drivers. Profile has been deleted and recreated BF2 was ran under Windows 7 Compat mode, Windows XP SP2 and Sp3 compat mode, and Windows Vista Sp2 compat mode Also have tried running under Windows 7 basic mode Run as administrator chosen PB Services updated and tested ok PB setup up to date I can run Call of Duty 4 with no problem I have not tried BF2142 yet. All Windows 7 updates installed I've also tried 1024/768 at 60Hz mode BF2 is installed in the Program Files (x86) folder Kaspersky was enabled and disabled, no change Anyway, any advice would be helpful, would like to know if there is a Windows 7 update coming out soon for BF2. When I installed BF2, I loaded it first, then special forces, then 1.41, then 1.5 I reran 1.5 again last night - no change So I removed all of BF2...rebooted, reinstalled it all, no Special Forces, just BF2 vanilla/1.41/1.5...reboot same thing... Does anything stick out as a problem? Thank you for your help in this, I just built this machine last weekend and built it to play these games with less lag and better quality. Yes, it's alot of power, but built for future games in the coming years. GA
  9. I check PBSS, but still haven't figured out the best and optimum X/Y Width/Length settings yet. However, for a cheap backup way of checking cheaters, is to use BR. Mainly to see if the gunfire is going through objects/buildings and such. Kinda hard, but effective, and if the cheater is still playing on my server, I'd kick them. I've only caught one, and he was using an account that was hacked. 4 start General with only 42,000 pts. My friend has 53,000 pts and is only a SGT MJR. So do the math and figure that one out. Check out stats of players at BF2s.com. That is how I found that hacked account this Kill_Gore player was using.
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