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  1. Well thank you eerik46 - I'm still bummed, but the replies help. : )
  2. I still get banned from servers, when they check for hackers- my in game name comes up assosiated with this guys IP. The guys from the BIA server (Brothers in Arms- Klutch) took the time to bring this to my attention a few nights ago, otherwise I woulda never known- I So its not pbbans kicking me from certain servers, its some kind of admin thing that I don't understand... Anyway, I'm an old man (45) I have about 5000 hours on this game (BF2) and honestly I don't have much of a life and playing BF2 is one of the pleasures in it... LOL gawd thats pathetic, but what can I say- If any of you computer guru guys has any idea what i mean, and you have an idea how to fix it please let me know. Thanks. -=TU=-Dead*Sh(+)t
  3. What can be done when your account has been "Name Spoofed"? There is a guy in Canada (according to IP addy) by the name of WD Intorlerance- has done this to multiple BF2 player accounts. Gaining points for his account by hacking and doing it under another account name! Getting the other player name banned for hacking while himself being able to go on playing with his dirty account. Can his victims ever clear their name? If so how would go about doing it?
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