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  1. Thanks alot RW, i'll tell the clan i tried to join about this and see if they'll reconcider! (if they don't believe me i'll just link this to them) i appreciate the help :) alot! //Todes
  2. okay.. my its 85ead8fB hope you can help..
  3. well.. it wasn't on my cd key.. he just happened to be in cheat mood when i was at his house for a LAN.. while playing on same server. easy for you to say.. been friends with him for about..4-6 years? his pretty much only friend i got left and trusts.. (i know he've been cheating from his own cd-key and pc.. he told me after he got banned long ago). anyways.. i can still join PBBan-servers ect. its mainly cause i tried to get into a clan in CoD4 and they told me i was on the master banlist. and that isn't me.. i'm danish
  4. Hello. My best friend has been cheating while i was playing CoD at his house, and again at my house. So i got on the master banlist without ever had a cheat touching my computer! and now i can't get into any league clans (which i'm pretty eager to)! i'm just a tad pissed about it since i just found out about it, can you help me?' my friend's name was Esben and my name is Andreas.. i go under the name of Todes in pretty much every game. but please help me.. i'm desperat! //Todes
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