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Everything posted by nM-Dg

  1. will get stumpy to have a look later . cheers for that fozzer what i would suggest is you make it even easy to set up these accounts idiot proof :lol: this maybe alot of work and you may think it is easy but to new people doing it it isnt so. this only loses you people who will use pbbans. yes you may say well theyll use someone else but the more you dont have the more games makers wont choose your product to use as support . maybe the steam overlords will rule soon anyway hope not
  2. Additionally your website now no longer meets requirements, rosters have to be viewable always!, The forum I can for go as I can see latest post information on homepage so I know the site is active however if no roster is on the site, viewable in the next 7 days, the account will be suspended. Regards this site has been changed and the details were posted and linked to new site that is fully viewable . the site account was suspended 7 days after this is why we posted again . pb on our config and data our side says its ok and it says that is went down 22nd or stopped streaming. our account was suspended due to the website this is what it looks like . we did explain before the suspension to the acount happened and a new proper website was being built . venom ill ask stumpy later if you can have a look just to make sure . get this god aweful mess sorted .
  3. lool not standards are too hi reason weve been stopped is cause our website isnt active enough reason being were new which said like 1000 times. ive been doing a new site so its better which is up and is linked yet we still waiting. theres being strict then theres taking the piss you have to be realistic . most work most ghave familys and we have said we are new and building a site from scratch. were given the green light only for it to be took back off a week later. how the hell is this helping pbbans or public playing on servers. its coming across as we are admins and we approve when we feel like it. weve met the requirements and still nothing done . we cant play any matches with out it streaming cause cod 4 is bad as it is nevermind without it streaming. wondering whether its even worth renewing our server its costing us money for pb to mess about. can we please all sort it
  4. wow yet again youve stopped our streaming :( all cause of the website we use isnt used much here use my gaming forum its all viewable what else do we have to do ! seriously if you spent as much time being picky about peoples websites we might get more people streaming and more caught :angry: ive created a roster our server ip its in clan section. its viewable all the time . cant believe all this bs weve had to go through . site is dgeesiogaming.co.uk link to post is http://dgeesiogaming.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=10 weve basically been waiting a month with this messing about please can we just end this messing about thanks.
  5. pmd cheers hopefully this will be resolved soon
  6. well ive been a admin on here for a while and im the one who owns the site and is part of his crew. we have basically split from our old clan and formed a good old bunch of lads who soley play cod 4. we have done everyday since release. the site is like three days old so obiously there aint going to be much on it thats why wiess was a bit gutted to not have the server streaming as its pretty much pointless even playing people if its not streaming. so basically we cant scrim on our own server cause we are waiting for the nod which we hoped would come without to much of a fuss from pbbans. we arn t no flyby nighters we play everyday and have done since cod 1 so come on give us a break so we can get on with gaming on our own server cheers dg
  7. thank god cause in my other post about this my friend who ive gamed with for ages got this and i was bit gutted at first cause he was a decent lad . hell be buzzing .
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