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Everything posted by utPaintball

  1. I redid all of the commands in rcon and then restarted server. I think it worked. I'll post back if anything is not working.
  2. Hello, With the help of the amazing fozzer my servers new IP was taken off of the blacklist which allowed me to add it to my servers list. It said before I could stream I had to wait about 24 hours. I have been watching the status in my account and it is red showing "InActive" and doesn't say "Pending Admin approval" which I think it should since that's what the prompt said I am waiting for. Is it possible my server was never added to the queue? If I have to wait longer that is fine my only concern is making sure my server is added to the queue. Thank you for your time.
  3. Thank you so much fozzer! :)
  4. Hello, For the last 9 months I have been streaming my BF2 server to pbbans. That server's IP is: Tonight we deactivated that server and told our host (gameservers.com) to move us to a new machine and IP because our server kept crashing. Our new IP they gave us is: When I tried to register my server to stream it said it was blacklisted? I did a quick google search and found it was previously owned by a "THE ASYLUM v2.5" server but we have no connection or affiliation to them. Can you guys take our new IP off of your black list please? Thank you for your time.
  5. That would make sense. Thank you.
  6. Hello Everyone, I have seen a wide variety of different variations of the standard bf2 crosshair and I was wondering if that is illegal or not? I posted two examples: The top picture is extremely common on my server and the bottom one is a custom crosshair from NVIDIA 3D VISION. So I just wanted to report the bottom one being legal, but how about the top one? I am not really concerned about custom crosshairs because that really isn't an artificial advantage you still have to do the aiming and you still need to provide the reaction time. What are your guys thoughts?
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