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  1. So let me get this right, We were supposed to know that Rojas's appeal was rejected by Rojas telling us? He hasn't been on our TS. I have been in touch through the forums and checking my account every day for anything about the appeal. I have received nothing.
  2. I hope PBBans will be open minded and look at my demo and hopefully make one of your own.
  3. Yes I did look at the demo. I have played with this kid for close to a year and the father is a CTU Member. I could not believe that Rojas would cheat. So I made a demo of myself on the same map but on our stock server. I mimiced the same movements as Rojas and did some playing that was not. I went with the same loadout he ran, saw with double tap and grip, and then looked at my demo with the player. I had the same outcome, no recoil. Here is the link to my demo. http://www.ctuclan.org/demos/rojas.zip I am asking that you or someone at PBBans make their own demo on this particular map and see if there may be a glitch. Rojas does not speek english and is very young, this is the reason I am doing this for him.
  4. I made the appeal in the menu under "appeal a ban" . Rojas doesn't speak english and is young.
  5. Hi, I put in a Ban appeal for CTU_jr_Rojas about 2 weeks ago and was wondering how long it takes for an appeal to be considered? I haven't received any correspondence regarding the appeal. Sincerely CTU_fixer46
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