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Everything posted by Dmitry

  1. EB Ticket URL - i must go to te EB sait and made ticket ?
  2. no but mayby it conflict of program or admin was so evil Oo 7 I dont whow why ip changes (fix ip i have) 91.122.3.*
  3. hmmmm need an appeal this ban =( I dont play on Sd servers with pb with cheat its madness I se that is a global ban ye ? (who an me pb or admin&) And at all what i can do ? 1)Thats is global ban ? 2)But why I have other pb_guid and other IP ? (i dont know the reson of that) 3)Have chance te apeal ban ? 4) ban was a month ago and i dont know nothing about ban 5) I dont use cheats on pb server // how it ban can be ? Just know what to say about this (sorry for bad english)
  4. :( re-enter it but dont help mow I deleted my profile and its help only for 1 game .... SD server (when i come 1 min round finished and map changed and i lost connect .... reconnect and see ban
  5. yep but i dont know what to do with it problem
  6. http://angelsofdeath.clan.su/_fr/5/1813268.png i connect and in 1 sec without loading map se that i banned) Yes its correctly (thx for advice)
  7. its just on all servers where i want connect Now connect to random server and see that there i am banned to
  8. PB Bannes me from all servers (i have legal key and dont use something like hack) The GUID 7d0817572e44a1b058ea37dfc1fd5a33 is not on the Master Ban Index (MBI)) http://angelsofdeath.clan.su/_fr/5/9881386.png http://angelsofdeath.clan.su/_fr/5/9054546.png http://angelsofdeath.clan.su/_fr/5/5618135.png
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