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    Team Huzzah
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    Battlefield 4
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  1. Alright thx, thats what i thought but just wanted to make sure took a long break from BF2 to BF4 so still getting use to things again.
  2. ah ok, didnt mean to post a file just a link the forums of the program but thank you.
  3. Don't know why the virustotal scan thing is there don't remeber posting that.
  4. So i installed Windows 10 but i don't like some of the sending crap to Microsoft deal, i was watching a video on how to disable some of the things that Microsoft uses to send data and information to them and was wondering if it would trigger anything. The video below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1kGMCfb2xw This is the program, don't really know to much about it. https://forums.spybot.info/downloads.php?id=55 Virustotal Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/6fd2790363b576a19858b2e67483bb4a578c6b00bda8a9c5ea6e93e789cd71e4/analysis/1464411765/ Its called spybot Anti-Beacon: Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10. Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that’s free and clean. With the upcoming news about telemetry in Windows 7 and 8.1, Spybot Anti-Beacon has added support for those as well
  5. Hey Kumbas {ATF}-DoG-67- Here nice vid m8, you need to teach me how to fly those things buddy

  6. thx
  7. Just a quick video i made last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6XYhnJQp6U
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