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  • Birthday 11/11/1969

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    Lubbock, TX

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    Section 8 Crew
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Hello, I am just wondering has there been any date or ideas to when this might be fixed. We are running 4 Battlefield Bad Company Servers. Just wondering if anyone knows anything yet.
  2. Ok well this has me puzzled so I just bought another copy off of EA and downloading it now. Im not sure what is up but this is the second 2142 I own and their support is not working with me at this point they told me to wait till a senior tech gets a hold of me. UGGGGGGGGGGGGG. :)
  3. Ok I was able to run this using that but it does not appear to be working when I applied and saved the CD key It said "Your CD Key has been saved and BF2CdKeyCheck executed". Now do I run the EA FIX? It says the Saved CD KEY is Saved CD Key info is: x939201000000d08c9ddf0115d11XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Not sure but if I run encrypt cd Key or EA Fix I get "Saved CD Key isn't valid". and this is the CD key that came with my book and is what is saved in my account.
  4. I have tried this word for word and it is not working for me the Registration never changes. My cd key is listed under my account and I have the book with my cd key on it and cases. When I run the BFCodeChange.exe and put in my cdkey and save I get this error "Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant the required permissions, contact your system administrator or use the Microsoft .Net Framework Configuration tool. If you click Continue , the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. Requested Registry access is not allowed". I am not sure how to grant access to perform this task. Can someone help me. Thanks, Vincent
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