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Everything posted by GoLdNutZ

  1. ok well none of the cmd worded nothing ever happened when i entered them in...i have windows 7 so it might be different...my firewall is not blocking nething...and yes i do have maxpackets to 100 but ill try the packetdup....i have deleted the pb file all together and uninstalled pb and re installed it and rand pbset up and nothngi has worked still getting kicked...this might be a loseing battle..
  2. haha if you dont think i have looked for answers elsewhere then thats sad on your part...yes i used the pbsetup to update to the newest pb...deleted the pb file and ran it still am getting kicked...but it seems that the init failure and the loseing key packets are linked i first get kicked for pb init failure then handshaking and the heartbeat then loseing key packets...i got a ticket open and they need the /pb_logtofile and /pb_writecfg but have not gotten back to me yet....i think the only ppl that might be able to help me is eb ticket and thats sad...ive posted on atleast 10 diff forums and they all tell me to use the pbsetup like a broken record and pb_security 0 and prob everythnig else is going to tell me on these useless forums...
  3. ok i get kicked from my clans server for 60 min for loseing key packets...other servers for pb init failure on pb b file...i have done the lastest bpsetup and have a ticket at EB out looking for help but am not getting anywhere with that...can anyone help me or am i just doomed...!!!
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