we tried from HLSW... it would come up PLAYER IS NOT ON SERVER..
And he did know we were trying.. laughed and said why do u want to kick me.. We had to ban IP from our server to keep him off.. of course we know easy fix and name change and they all will be back.. Just wondering..
Has anyone came across this.. On our server when a team called FUZZY came in.. These guys could not be kicked from our server.. What could they have been doing..
.E) AcE May 18 2006, 05:22 PM Post #9
Ban Manager
Group: Admin
Posts: 1,106
Joined: 19-January 05
From: England
Member No.: 100,134
Also if he/she looks dodgy then record a demo.
this was posted in another area... Just wondering...
Little confused on the communication comment... I think we are constantly talking about gaming items and such.. Just hoping to get some input from everywhere and everyone as to what is new and upcoming.. As far as linux issue.. THAT SUCKS.. LOL thanks thou for the input... And yep kicking them just isnt as fun.. But it does come in handy...
Are the issues solved yet for problems.. I notice there is only one ban still.. Although I do know you have caught alot more... Very shocked there is on 22 caught for UO...? Seems odd..
On another note... Are server is very popular.. But as most we get some assholes.. LOL.. Is there any type of admin files that could be added similiar to what we had for S.O.F. remember the lightning strikes and fish slaps.. Maybe something similiar.. THIS IS A MUST... LOL.... ANYTHING would be great..
Wanted to know if anyone could tell me anything on this.. Seems that once in a while there are certain players who are DODGY.. Seem to constantly be in this mod.. Checked pings and they are strong.. So its not lag.. have heard that it could be associated with some purchased hacks.. Thanks
P.S. This person also seemed to be able to follow with scope very well. Seeming to know where persons were.. Any thoughts would be helpful..
Knowing that the hacks and cheats are on our server daily is really beginning to cause alot of problems.. And seeing that there is only 1 person for COD2 so fair that has been caught is very disturbing.. Is it possible that the files are not directly in the game.. As we have been running FRAPS and clearly it shows persons following thru walls with sites.. Persons coming out other side and being shot.. There are websites that are advertising bypasses of punkbuster.. Also that files are not directly being put into COD2.. What help can a group provide to start nailing these jerks.. Are there binds running possibly that cause persons to shoot so well without aiming.. Is there possibly some type of uniform or highlighting upgrade that allows persons to shoot thru smoke.. And our server is LINUX.. Can we somehow force some type of allow file that would make for modifications being BANNED FROM OUR SERVER...
One last question.. Does having a low grade or old video card cause persons to actually play better than someone with a higher one.. There is a website called XXXXXXXXXX that seems to have some answer for everything to do with hax.. Also they talk about being about to sleep PB.. Maybe someone should check these jerks and shut them down with there BS cheat crap...
thanks so much for listening and hopefully some help can be attained.. And if there is any help we can do, we would love the oppurtunity...