and that business was up to me.. you want to rant and rave about your hacking in singlplayer and bash up and down on my server about how you can easily hack onto it, creating a fuss amoungst other fellow players, then sobeit, but dont come knocking on the forums for help to get unbanned.
It dont matter if you hack in singleplayer games, cheating is cheating. Why you were honest about it is beyond me and your lack of brains put you in this predicament.
This goes for any of you on my server. You want to be a smart ass and wave your stupidity like a coward, your going to get treated like a coward. My server is a strictly no cheat, no bs server unlike the others out there. That includes talking about any cheat or even singleplayer hacks.
Enough said, go play on another server to boost your low life cheating skills fool. You have really pissed me off to a new level by you even posting in this forum, right after you created a fuss in my forum.