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  1. Sorry for the double post, could not find the edit button. Here is the screenshots that were taken. Anything seem out of the ordinary? pzxn.7z
  2. Thanks for the quick answers guys, I appreciate it. I will give a link to this topic for them to read and decide what to do. Appreciate the help!
  3. I play BF2, pretty much only game I play. Recently starting getting kicked from one server because of black screen shots, the message usually told me to update my videocard. I have an 8800 GTX with the latest driver (as of 12/29/09). I asked the server admin some questions about what my screenshots were showing and he said that out of like 15 screenshots, there would only actually be 3 different shots. I am trying to get him to send them to me so I can look at them. I read that some people had issues with the 8800 series and weird screen shots, anybody got any idea what would be causing this? Thanks -Chris
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