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Everything posted by mobb

  1. the ban was finally lifted... thanks all again.
  2. thank you surfy...
  3. I agree with you all whole heartedly and the reason why I post here as I am is as an instructional thread and/or corrective thread that can be presented on request whenever needed... I thank you all but as was already said I think there is nothing more to really talk about... they made their decision and while I dont agree, I can respect their intentions of keeping the server clean...
  4. Sigh... Youll never believe this but they banned me again...I wonder what for this time...
  5. thank you for clearing that up I appreciate it alot :) happy new year!!!
  6. I appreciate the support piggy but I still need the statement from pbbans to make this as clear as possible so I can just forward all further inquiries to this thread.
  7. heres a link of the server that banned me for this guys who name hacked me... http://www.clan-usqc.com/index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=2&thread_id=1462#7608 trust me... I agree with you... but would mind elaborating a bit... maybe by saying that it isnt me... I totally understand why it wouldnt be me but just for certain people would you mind just saying it is not me? thanks again... and thanks for being patient... I know it's pretty obvious but most admins want to hear those magic words that it isnt me...
  8. Hi my in game in in battlefield 2 is ||3RB||MOBB I was name hacked back on Dec 30, 2007 here is the link: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=50873 The reason why I'm writing this is there are still admins who dont know what a name hack is...at any rate can you guys please post a response here please that clearly states this is not me, so I can forward any admins of servers who question if I'm legitimate or not... this is still causing me problems and it would be nice to give these admins on the servers I play on a link thats states I never cheated... Pls state as much info as you can to quickly clear this situations up for me pls... thanks in advance
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