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  1. cheers anlot m8
  2. my clan leader made my message wrong:S and he says he cant change it. is there eny chance you can remove it for me again plz. the last part of my guid is: f0ec3204 sorry for the trouble. greetings, Robin. S. Angerstorm-NNB
  3. oke thank you for your time. greetings, Robin. S Angerstorm-NNB
  4. hello ppl, i just had a player in our server witch who was playing cinda wierd. sometimes 3/3 grenades hit and sometimes 2/3. on every single map. but when you spectate him his shots are not all that impressive. still he gets scores up to 103 / 24 witch are obvious thanks to his grenades. now i have the question is there eny hack out that tells you where, when and how to trow a grenade. i only whant to kno if there are yes/no. if its a no i have no choice but to let him go on. if its a yes i will ban him from our server. so i only need a yes/ no awnser. thank you for your time. P.S. the player guid was: f0cf5215 i dont kno if it will do eny good but you might find something i dident:) greetings, Robin. S Angerstorm-NNB
  5. thank you so mutch:D ps. happy nieuw year to all of you:) greetings, Robin. S. Angerstorm-NNB
  6. Hello all. Can some1 plz help me with the following problem. When i join a server it shows up the message: |PBBHub| -Welcome(Admin) =Ck=Angerstorm Now my old clan leader did that for me and i have no idea how he did it. I like it to be removed so i can take a nieuw message for my nieuw clan. My nieuw clan leader got to the point that, my guid already had a message, and that he was not able to change it until it was removed. Can some1 plz remove the message and tell me. Or tell me how my nieuw clan leader can change it. ps. the last part of my guid is: f0ec3204 if all of the guid is needet plz say so. ps2. sorry about my bad english:) greetings, Robin. S. Angerstorm-NNB
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