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Swerve last won the day on June 22 2010

Swerve had the most liked content!

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    Tactical Gamers Club
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    = TGC =
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty World at War
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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Developer's are running a poll in forums about which anti-cheat system to use VAC or FF. I suggested they look into PB. It is shocking to see how many Server Admins and players bashed PB as junk. When they truly dont understand the process of game developers providing PB all the files it needs to do it's job.And admins keeping their servers up to date.The PBbans Staff has always taken care of our servers and problems with great dedication.For that I will aways defend you. http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/6615-future-of-cheat-protection/
  2. Nice job! PBBans Staff and Thank you!DICE for listening to our community and doing something about it.Your wisdom will improve this new release,and players of the world,once again will have a new game to look forward too.
  3. The members of the world gaming community <S> the Evenbalance Staff also for there hours of dedication in resolving this issue.In this age of technology it is a almost mind bogging the chore you face in keeping fair play on the worlds gaming servers.Common little programs like X fire,steam,and even keyboard and mouse drivers are constantly changing and updating.Causing issues with the detection system that protects us gamers.So little errors can happen.To many are quick to point the finger,But they should just imagine what there game play would be like without you. Not a pretty picture.So yes, we the gamers of the world are deeply grateful to EB and the EB Staff for the almost impossible job and service they provide us.
  4. Very professionally handled Staff. All the world gaming community must once again salute you for you hours of tireless work to resolve this issue so rapidly.You can all sleep well tonight knowing that we are all grateful to you, for your hard work. NJ-PBBans Team
  5. What Dice has done restricting PBBans to no Steaming and client side only. Is only going to put PBBans on the burner again from the gaming community.On matters that this organization has no control.And the average honest gamers in the end will just have to suffer.As for what i think of Dice for doing so,the best response is no response, in this case. Silents is golden!
  6. I would like to thank PBBans for once again showing the world gaming community, That our voices are heard and do not fall on deaf ears. If not for this professional organization, the gaming community would suffer and honest people would have there reputations degraded with no recourse. Once again thank you to Jedi-Operations Staff and all the other staff members for the helping hand to the gaming community. JOB WELL DONE!!!
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