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About killerwitharustyspoon

  • Birthday 11/03/1982

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  • Interests
    scripting , motorcycles , Makin Sweet Sweet Love Down By Tha Fire :D
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    Oasis Gaming Network
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. ah i think i added the pb viewer port instead of the bf2 port im going to try 16567 let me know if it works on your end {thx i think that was it }
  2. i have changed server location to California at i set the info on the server side up and changed it in the member area do i need to do anything else?
  3. all very good points and i love the set sail for fail that made my day :D it brings me great pride to know that regardless of the laws that they make that the citizens are still united - no ones screaming "save me from bin laden" i seen a article that talked about gun regulations and it polled for opinions as to whether people wanted handgun laws to be inplemented and almost every vote across the us on the survey said NO sighting of article i see this as yet another attempt of government trying to topple the constitution but the people standing up united and refusing it , somehow i sleep better at night knowing the citizens are protecting eachother even if government and coorporations attack us i would rather that outcome than the reverse any day - the french revolution led to the adoption of a constitution after king Louie the 16 was removed from power in the storming of the Bastille era where , during the constitution-less era " age of great terror started " where 16000+ people were killed via guillotine in a 6 month period or in Germany when Hitler convinced the chancellor to drop Germanys constitution due to the "threat " and we know where that went -united we stand divided we fall -
  4. I Personally was outraged when i read this article and i would love to hear opinions on it ... apparently the Microsoft corporation is lobbying to have government issue licenses to internet users -and users would have to install software that allows government to access anyone's computer, internet use would be a "privilege " that can be removed from anyone they don't agree with quote : "The system would require mandatory installation of software that would to allow government access to each user's computer. Furthermore, having government licensing of Internet access would mean that federal authorities would have complete power of dictating who can use the Internet and when." link to article 1 article 2 i would love to hear opinions on this as in America this means the first amendment and privacy goes out the door supreme court to rule on free speech : article anyone with opinions please post them {follow forum rules but don't hold back be honest and forthright}
  5. thx for taking time to check it out and help i appreciate it :D
  6. im wondering if anyone can tell me why my rank wont go up in bf2 i have everything needed plus some to rank up but i never do this is my acct stats http://battletracker.com/bf2playerawards/151325424/ and the bf2rank requirements {my next should have been first sgt} http://ubar.bf2s.com/ranks.php i cant figure out if i need something or if my acct is broken can someone help me figure this one out
  7. i was wondering if there was a area appropriate to post a recruiting announcement for new clans , if there isnt is there any way to put that new forum on the wishlist?
  8. wow i never thought a post could make me laugh on here - you made my day :lol: i needed that ... thankyou :D
  9. i was drifting in thought the other day and had a idea , how feasible is it to set up a hub like system that would background check players on mpi apon entry to a server and when a dirty account is found {say your servers on bf2 and player hacks cod4 } remove them automatically {if server admin wants this feature} i dont want hackers in my room even if there clean on bf2 but hack other platforms like cod or wolfenstien etc
  10. i had the server set up and streaming and have changed nothing about it but it says hub is deactivated whats happening ?
  11. i was wondering if someone could explain on point me to a thread about what the "reputation" thing is next to my avatar and how it changes and what for etc , dumb q i know >_< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  12. we have a server rule that if you do not return screenshots you do not play on our server , so we end up with alot of people messaging me asking how to remedy this issue , so far i have got everyones ss's working heres what ive done so far to fix this step 1 full update of video cards and system board drivers step 2 full update of punkbuster step 3 exception- add to firewall for bf2 step 4 set up video card drivers step 5 riva tuner sometimes helps step 6 dance around the comp burning incense chanting begging the gods of bf2 to be kind step 7 turn off antialising its not needed in software and it causes black ss and crash when minimised thats bout as much as ive done and it minus #6 has alwayse worked so far *fingers crossed* as for similar screenshots -have you compared the server htm and png hash to make sure its not ss injection? hope this helps because im certainly no computer guru i may qualify as a script monkey but thats another story :D feel free to contact me via xfire if need be xfire:ratsaint
  13. we submitted a app and it was denied due to it bieng a new webpage, weve been now streaming to punksbusted for awhile now and i wanted to reapply but i cant find our app to resubmit it - can you point me to it
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