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Everything posted by Chomerly

  1. Hi, I play Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and i've been globally banned. The banning has nothing to do with me as my GUID/keycode has been hijacked. It started just before Christmas when on a couple of occasions i would try to log onto a game and it would come up with the 'Keycode in use' message. Not long after it stopped abruptly and it never happened again up until the early part of this month. I asked Benway for help on this and he provided me with the details of the other user which is at the bottom of this page. It also turned out that there was another person at it also. The hijacker/s seem to have ceased their activity as i've been logging onto a server where i am a clan member without issue for a couple of weeks now. However, because i'm a player from the UK and the server i use is UK based, it means that if i play at night, i usually end up having to play on another populated server. I've tried to appeal the ban but i've been told that it stands. It means that now i have will have to contact server admins to ask if they will unban me locally even though i haven't done anything wrong. I'm seriously at a loss on what to do. I've tried multiple things in order to get this put right. I've been in touch with Benway when i conformed the key was being used by someone else. He couldn't help though i appreciate his efforts. I've been in touch with Infinity Ward to no avail. I've been in touch with Activision to no avail. I've emailed the offenders' ISP's to have their activities investigated. I've appealed the bans on both PunkBuster and PBBans to no avail. It's really upsetting that i can't correct this issue. I'm not a hacker or a cheat. I've been on the receiving end of cheaters in the past and it's not funny. I just want to get this sorted and i can't really afford to go out and buy another copy of Modern Warfare. I really need help here guy's. Here are the details of the offending pair of f@*%s. Alias No. 1: NFS-AD1S Details for IP Address: General Information Hostname: host-85-30-133-13.sydskane.nu ISP: Teleservice Bredband Skane AB Organization: CableTV Customers Proxy: None detected Type: Cable/DSL Geo-Location Information Country: Sweden State/Region: 27 City: Sj
  2. Vexed because my Modern Warfare key has been hijacked

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