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  1. Ah, Thanks for the permission to link them back here, I did so & filled a ticket out. Nah I know they cannot magically fix it, no biggy, I'm thinking just going back to patch 1.4 or 1.5, one of the two, with them I did not have a problem"odd". Thanks Fozzer:).
  2. Its rivatuner,I disabled it for a test, but screw that, I need rivatuner, overclocks my gfx card, controls my fan speed, displays important info on my screen. I have absolutely no issues with any other activision game"cod1,cod2,cod4mw1 & nor the BFBC2 Beta". Gonna uninstall waw, uhwell. Thank You for you're time HSMagnet I appreciate it :). SS below to see what I was speaking about. yeah and great thanx to Even Balance for this problem lol.
  3. I cannot find "retail" under dxdiag . is retail suppose to be under dxdiag? I use rivatuner to display info on my screen fps, temps cpu usage. I used that on waw 1.4 or 1.5 had no problem.
  4. I read the other guys problem, but, I don't have nor use steam, I do not have evga programs. I get this. Disallowed Program Driver (125141) on some servers and others, I just get disconnected. My PB is updated, I am using WAW 1.7 patch, I can play cod4mw1, cod2, cod1, BFBC2 beta just fine. Its just WAW. Driving me bonkers.
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