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Everything posted by CREEDENCE

  2. Don't plan on them working anytime soon. It is an Antialiasing/DX10/DX11 issue and Evenbalance hasn't made any progress on this in the past two years.
  3. I would prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating.

  4. Thanks, I already sent him a pm. Look forward to working with yall.
  5. Hi, My clantag is =[HB]= as shown in my profile. When I tried to submit an application it told me that the clan tag was already in use. I would like to have access to the Player Admin section. I am actually the Co-Founder of my clan with =[HB]=Prime. Could someone lead me in the right direction to do this, or does a staff member or moderator need to do this. PS: We have dropped our AA server and now only run Battlefield Bad Company 2 IP This will change soon for we are moving to a dedi box on the 16th. Creed
  6. ROFL. Sorry.But we are here as well. I sent the wrong email. Could I be added to my roster.
  7. Could an Admin add me to my CO-founders roster. When I made my application, it told me my Tag was already in use. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/prime-m129615.html Your recent application for PunksBusted membership has been approved. The following comment has been added to your record: Application accepted. Welcome aboard. Please set the server to stream asap. Cheers, gnat Your clan ID: 15913 The link is invalid in my email. Thanks, Creed
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