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    sharp shooters
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Before you continue on with your rubbish!!!! yes there is a trojen in the website that is being looked at atm but no it is not a cd key stealer and only your stupid thoughts would make you believe that... Yes there had been people in the past that were done for a few things >> yes>> but they are mates and have not done anything so stupid for a very long time !!!! (which has nothing to do with you!!!!!!)as you had been kicked from the clan bitch... you were nothing but a menice with your >>(hes fuckin hacking and hes hackin and f*ck off haxer ) well you will come across people out there that are legitermatly better then you mate!!! and ya just have to face that!!! With the im a hack suporter shit >> Well i am definatly not and if you would have taken the time to talk to the others without going off ya head telling me that >>YOU<<< want them to take there tags off and >>YOU<<< dont want them in the clan no more >> well it was and wasent ever and will not ever have anything to do with you as you were a donating admin with rcon code and thats it!!!! so get over it >> and stop with ya shit mate !! as i am in the process of ending your gaming life if you keep this crap up mate!!!!
  2. thanks for not even speaking to me!! as i was doing the right thing >>ive done nothing wrong and my members havent either >> so thanks!!! not...

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