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Everything posted by LostCause1979

  1. got it working thanks for your help
  2. cancel my last that worked says its ready to stream now how do i get it to stream or make sure its streaming
  3. ive looked at that but i dont know the rcon port or rcon password
  4. yes im trying to set it up to stream i was following the commands i was givin to start streaming those are the first 2..was someone leading me in the wrong direction..i really want to get streaming before i have some hack crash my server..
  5. BF2 Custom Command Executed: exec pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use Custom Command Executed: exec pb_sv_restart
  6. I am trying to setup pb streaming to my server but when i enter the commands it shows up on log as custom cammand excuted but it wont restart
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