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Everything posted by HnKn

  1. Well thank you everyone for your help
  2. everything in my personal life is straight I just bought a new motor cycle a month ago<br>I it possible that a KeyGen or well shit the guy is a hacker is there any other way he could have got it?<br>I am tryin to get unbanned from servers and these are the responces im getting click here
  3. I dint give my CD key out to anyone....ever Even if I buy a new copy of BF2 my Accounts are still linked to him So your saing that I spent all that time making a 3star account to throw it away and start over?
  4. I want to be unaccosiated(sp) with him I am being banned from servers and treated like a hack
  5. I have been playing BF2 since 2/20/06 the reason i am posting is because I am being banned for being a hacker Yet I have never hacked Aparently I am linked to a hacker somehow? How do I go about getting this cleared up? http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-1ffc7678-vb92157.html From what ive been told im connected to this guy
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