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Everything posted by sshadd

  1. Works now. I'm not sure...but... Found the message: Punkbuster Version 00_061110 is DISABLED In the server log. PB was starting up, logging banlist loads, configurations, ect but it still had that message. Thinking it might be corrupt, I ran GameServer's Punkbuster update mod and rebooted. Sure enough, it all came back up fine, still running Punkbuster Version 00_061110, but without the 'DISABLED' message in the server log. I'm not sure if bEnablePunkBuster was set wrong or what. Kinda weird.
  2. OK, I have ruled out it being a problems with PBBans. I used pbucon.exe and new profile to test to see if I was getting the same messages. I added the same configuration to our AA2 server as our AA3 server and did a pb_sv_restart and checked the pb logs. Pbucon.exe was able to interface ok with the AA2 server as expected (works great with pbbans). Got the same header mismatch errors with the AA3 server. So, it appears that this may be either an OS issue with the game server or the game server hoster in some way. I don't think it is a PB server issue because others are claiming to have their AA3 servers streaming ok to pbbans (with the exception of map changes maybe). Regardless I put in a trouble ticket with EvenBalance to see what they would say about it. I put in a trouble ticket with the game server hoster (Game Servers) to see what they had to say.
  3. pblog shows: PB UCON Session #28 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbhub1" key=CB4A1DED195B1453E928BDFFB220FF11 PB UCON Session #28 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@ #28 is just the latest in a series of sessions opened and getting mismach headers since enabling pbucon on the server. I've tried restarting both pb and the server. IP is and shows not streaming Any suggestions? Update: still having the same issue, but did this with foxdie in IRC: <foxdie> sshadd, <foxdie> how many servers are you streaming? <sshadd> 2 <sshadd> aa2 and aa3 <foxdie> aa2 is fine? <sshadd> yes <foxdie> k <sshadd> aa3 was recently added today <foxdie> is there a remote console in aa3? <sshadd> there is a console yes <foxdie> ok <foxdie> disable streaming for that aa3 server <sshadd> how so? remove uconadd entry from pbsv.conf? <foxdie> no <foxdie> http://account.pbbans.com/server.php <sshadd> delete it? <foxdie> yes <foxdie> done? <sshadd> yes <foxdie> ok <foxdie> now <foxdie> check sv logs <foxdie> show me last 10 lines <sshadd> [06.24.2010 14:48:54] PB UCON Session #45 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@ <sshadd> [06.24.2010 14:48:54] PB UCON Session #45 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@ <sshadd> [06.24.2010 14:49:13] PB UCON Session #46 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbhub1" key=6A1C5F6E7A93168D41AF1AC6E479E585 <sshadd> the rest are scheduled tasks <foxdie> k <foxdie> now execute pb_sv_usessionlist <foxdie> whats the result? <sshadd> take a moment.. <foxdie> whats the server ip btw? <sshadd> no response <foxdie> ok <foxdie> server ip:port? <sshadd> server ip is <foxdie> ok <foxdie> can you please check server log? <sshadd> what am i looking for <foxdie> !server <PBBansBot> Server was not found or not yet added! <foxdie> last few lines again <sshadd> [06.24.2010 14:59:00] PB UCON Session #47 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbhub1" key=F6F7437092BEA9AA5959D4C9439C5D41 <sshadd> PB UCON Session #47 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@2 <sshadd> [06.24.2010 14:59:00] PB UCON Session #47 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbhub1" key=F6F7437092BEA9AA5959D4C9439C5D41 <sshadd> PB UCON Session #47 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@ <sshadd> PB UCON Session #47 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@ <foxdie> hrmm <foxdie> can you restart pb? <sshadd> sure <foxdie> pb_sv_restart <foxdie> done? <sshadd> done <foxdie> show me the log please <sshadd> [06.24.2010 15:08:07] PB UCON Session #1 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbhub1" key=CCBA0601F9DF1FDC91E084CE2203FDA1 <sshadd> PB UCON Session #1 Header Mismatch "pbbhub1"@ <foxdie> whats the pb version? <sshadd> PunkBuster Server (v1.742 | A1372 C2.184) Enabled <foxdie> huh? <sshadd> that's the version line from the log <foxdie> well <sshadd> it's aa3 <foxdie> it seems to be corrupted pbsv <foxdie> !server <PBBansBot> Data last received 2 mins ago Americas Army 3 Server is streaming via HUB. <PBBansBot> PB Version Server: 1.742 | Client: 2.184 | Client A: 1372 ( Server is outdated or running an unknown version of PB ) <PBBansBot> MSI Link: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-188-40-228-37-8777.html <foxdie> something is wrong here <foxdie> lol <sshadd> let me check eb site <foxdie> 1.741 <sshadd> v1.741v2.184 | A1372 <foxdie> nm <foxdie> its a typo <foxdie> my access is too limited to help you <foxdie> please contact maydax <sshadd> ok..posted in the forum <foxdie> readd your server please <sshadd> :)
  4. Are other PB commands supported through RCON? What exactly is the extent of PB support for BF:BC2? Is the screenshots facility supported? It might be possible to get a hosting company to at least provide a http: link to the pbsvss.htm file and folder...
  5. It would seem to me if they wanted to protect the game but allow PB configuration they would just allow the hosting companies to allow rooted access to the PB directory.
  6. So, how does any of this work? Ranked server providers do not allow access to the PB folder. Is Dice saying the servers will be setup to automatically stream to pbbans?
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