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  1. Got it back up for now by resending all the commands via BC2 Guardian's PB interface. Keeping an eye on it. Edit. Sorry for all the posts and headaches :(
  2. ...and of course I spoke too soon. My server cannot stay up for more than a few minutes right now. Not sure what's going on. I've contacted my service provider and they're looking into it.
  3. The account is another problem :( Apparently it was denied because of all this and my GUID I found through the tutorial was "no recognized". http://www.pbbans.com/forums/bfbc2-server-not-streaming-t113188.html/page__view__findpost__p__299373 This post might be of interest to staff here. One staff member says that the blank response to that command is a known bug. Just an FYI. Going to try the GUID again and submit one more time as I've been working on this for the better part of 24 hours (man hours, that is) and still no resolution :( My clan members are waiting.
  4. They are both correct and in my profile. There is no entry for "Battlefield Bad Company 2" in the "game played" drop down.
  5. I'm completely confused by this process. My server isn't streaming, and you're telling me I need an account to get it to stream, but my account app was just denied because my server isn't streaming. I'm totally lost.
  6. Gotcha. Thanks for the info. I've submitted the application already so will give it a few days before I make another stupid post thinking I did something wrong :) Hopefully this works and I can type it up for other AOWC BC2 owners so they can get their servers setup. We only got access to the files needed for this to work this morning.
  7. Hi there, I've been banging my head against a wall here for the past few hours trying to get this to work. Server: Game: BFBC2 Ranked Host: Art of War Central Chicago IL Datacenter pbsv.cfg pbucon.use and my server IP and port is not in the stream list. Tried deleting the files, redoing them via BC2 Guardian with the commands, but nothing seems to work :( Any ideas?
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