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  1. I encountered a new hacker today, he is second in the leaderboard at the moment, *edit* I followed him around for a bit and saw he was using a aimbot, but not so clearly like *edit* does. The guy also is a huge teamkiller, he has over 207 tk's at the moment. He and his friend even used me to statpad, he killed me, his friend revived me again... I have reported him to EA but i doubt something will be done against him seeing Bu.Rogers, the most obvious hacker ever seen, is still running wild... But there is also good news! Nr 3 in the list, Madog~uk~ has been banned! He was using a aimbot: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-cb9b5e0f-vb163751.html
  2. A certain hacker, that is well known for using aimbots in BF2 and BC2 now is now on number 1 in the leaderboards, he probably only plays on servers that use no Punkbuster... *edit* From all the shots he fired with the UMP, all 1001 shots were headshots, so were the ones from the m416, XM8, etc...
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