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Everything posted by redfox

  1. I'm going to go ahead and post a reply in this thread and then open a thread of my own since I did not see anything in the forum rules indicating if it is propper procedure or not. I recently received the same ban as the poster above me and also with the same violation number as the OP. I can only assume that this may be a large false positive that is flagging a lot of people, but then on the other hand I have played several rounds on my clan sever and public servers and see many people with hack like behavior. (100 kills and 2 deaths in a round) I normally run cheatengine on my computer and I frequently have it open while I am playing the game. I wouldn't think that PB would detect this as I played a few rounds of BF2 recently and am still able to play that game. I have already submitted my ticket and ban appeal to Even Balance and the folks here at PBBans. The reason for running cheat engine was explained in my ban appeal but it is not used in conjunction with BC2 in any sort of way. I'll copy the contents of my thread here into my own post so that it may receive more attention and as to not further derail this thread anymore. The thread is here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/recently-banned-for-a-5k-violation-t114792.html
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