Well, just launched Call of Duty World at War today for the first time in over a week, and went out to play on my favorite server, which is really the only server I ever frequent, and I got the message:
"XXX" Punkbuster Permanent Ban issued on this game server for player "XXX"... prior kick/ban
In the above, 'XXX' is my profile name which I am not ready to disclose yet..
Now, I own this game, and have played it for many hours on this very server, and to my knowledge, have never been kicked for any reason. I am trying to figure out what is going on, and could use some assistance from someone who knows more. I checked to make sure PunkBuster was installed on my machine. There is a PB directory in my COD game directory, that contains a bunch of dll files, etc.. I downloaded the latest I could find from the web, and pasted them to the html directory, and the dll directory. Still no good.
I sincerely hope that I did not get kicked permanently from my fav game server, because that would take much of the fun out of the game. I did not bother to try logging into any other servers, for fear I would encounter the same thing, and get permanently banned there as well..
Any help greatly appreciated..