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Everything posted by KingXerxes

  1. I just wokeup with only three hours of sleep and no coffee, yet.
  2. LOL, NM. I need my coffee...
  3. How/why and WTF is a PB error for BF3 being posted in this thread? Mods, would you delete my whole thread, please?
  4. Thank you, it isn't my server or anything, I just happen to see it, and was like 'What'.
  5. I wanted to know if you can have this type of sight while scoped in. It doesn't seem normal to me, however, I am new to BF4. http://storage3.screenshots.gametracker.com/screenshots/22247/ee4f3d6e40ed5ddf89a3bd465ee9f6d8.png
  6. Hello to all! I wanted to find out if there is anyone that has known me from AON or DFG on this site. DFG is now hosting BF Bad Company2 server, and we are running the PBBans scripts, and were wanting to know if anyone was around that I used to talk to.
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