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  1. Operating system? Vista. Which version? i don't know how to find out, not very handy with computers. Have you right-clicked and run in compatibility mode along with checking always run as administrator? yes Have you allowed your firewall to allow both pnkbstra.exe and pnkbstrb.exe to pass through and connect? yes Have you updated your punkbuster files with the pbsetup.exe? Also, is your game patched to the latest version? the pbsetup will only allow me to update my games, so yes i have updated BFBC2 but i can't update punkbuster with it
  2. weird thing is most servers this happens but i've found 2 servers that let me in with no problem. i don't know why
  3. I join a server in BFBC2 and i don't get to even get out of the loading screen a box pops up and says "You have beeen kicked from the game. The reason is: Punkbuster kicked player 'Felandese' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Server Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe. i've tried everything you guys have said in this topic but none of it has prevailed so if you can help me please do
  4. This is kinda like the problem i''m having, only its on BFBC2. I join a game and i don't get to even get out of the loading screen a box pops up and says "You have beeen kicked from the game. The reason is: Punkbuster kicked player 'Felandese' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Server Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe. i've tried everything you guys have said in this topic but none of it has prevailed so if you can help me please do
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