Hello all Pbbans people, I have a question that troubles me and would like to know if possible.
Your streaming ofcourse is top notch and no complainings there. But what i would like to know, would it be possible to do user orientated AC interface that also make SS( this alone would be excellent add) ?
This because right now there is no AC that actually is corrupt free. If you could do this, I am 10000% sure it would give you chance to raise donation amounts as leagues would be given place to check screenshots by all players who logged in the AC via your API to AC. Screenshot would be just one thing, also md5 checks etc for .exe so no 333fps allowed..
Game could be example cod4 (ofcourse all streamed games should be supported) but this I would like to know ;)
This is burning my mind so why not ask yes ;)
Thanks for reading,